Dear Friends and those of you interested in ghostly goings on. If you go back to one of my former blogs entitled: My Ghostly Admirer (November 2011) you will find that this story is continuing. Two weeks ago I was standing here in the very same spot where I saw "The Man" (Re read "My Ghostly Admirer") when a man, that is, a ghost blew loudly into my ear. I spoke to the library staff about this and many of them have seen or felt presences. I was told it would be ok to take a few photos in this same area where I have had my experiences. THIS is exactly what The Man looked like except for his hair was down when I saw him here last year reading the book I am holding here. The story continues where on Tuesday we were in the library again taking photos with Jacob and Isaac, our 'Trainee' Wizard nephews from Wrexham Haunted House where I first saw The Man as a ghost. I walked down the far aisle but could see the shadow of someone walking swiftly down the same isle where I have had my experiences and thought that Fluffy and the boys were walking down the aisle. But when I got to the end of the aisle I was walking and looked back...there was absolutely NO ONE. No one had walked down the aisle yet I had seen the shadow!!!! I have now learnt something I hadnt known before...I have now seen the shadow of a ghost! And I wonder why I was meant to see this strange phenomenon. Is my Ghoslty Admirer waiting there for me? Only I know it was he that I dreamt of a few weeks back only he was dressed in modern clothing saying that he was in love with me and would never let me go.  I am not in the least threatened by this but what we have come up with is that he was once, in the 17th century a vampire that has since reincarnated in this lifetime and is no longer one.

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2/21/2012 03:14:10 am

Well we went to Cannock library this afternoon around the same time as last week when we took photos and this time, in the very same spot was a coldness around my left ear. It was icy cold and then the smell of a disinfectant, like dettol, followed me. I wondered if this had been part of a stables where a disnfectant was once used. A lovely lady who is a librarian called Nettie said that she was also touched on the left shoulder by 'someone'.....this story is growing....there is much investigating to be done!

2/22/2012 03:55:51 am

Interesting!! Also another member of staff says she was aware of a cat around her feet in our staff kitchen and then it ran away when she shoo'd it... (as she would shoo her own cat) - except, there is NO cat in our staff kitchen!! Will let you know any other developments! ~Gareth (library)

Mystic Ed
2/23/2012 12:02:30 am

Thanks for that Gareth. This story is really getting exciting now as not only has "My Ghostly Admirer" materialized physically in person at Cannock library, but also the cat I have seen in the en suite at Wrexhams Most Haunted House. I am wondering if this is the same cat and has followed us here......Yes will keep you updated and please let me know anything else that happens.

2/24/2012 06:35:02 am

Really?? Wow - didn't know you'd seen a cat there too! Nothing unusual to report this week... but you never know. I fell off a chair but I think it was just a faulty chair...!

Mystic Ed
2/24/2012 07:07:46 am

It may not be a faulty chair Gareth but someone trying to get your attention. If it happens again loet me know. Yesterday I raced round to see your Aunty Babs. I wasnt sure why but I simply flew round to see her just when she was in the middle of an angina attack! So these things happen for a reason........

2/24/2012 08:38:25 pm

Crikey!!! Looks like you arrived at the right time for Aunty Bubs then, thank you! (Aunty Babs makes me think of Barbara Windsor, although I dont think Aunty Bubs would mind being called that either!)

Only thing that I've noticed about the chair 'incident' (so far!) is that I've got a big graze on me'knee (and we need a new chair!)... but I'll be sure to let you know about anything else!!


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