Following yesterdays exciting filming with Michaela Strachan for Bruce Burgess' Production of his TV series "Great British Ghosts" Fluffy and i decided it was time for us to take a theatre trip. "42nd Street" at the gatehouse Theatre, Stafford was a magnificent performance, the tap dancing, the singing, the songs including Lullaby of Broadway, 42nd Street & We're in the money was more than a showstopper. It was hair raising and we left with that Feel Good Factor, one couldnt stop singing on our return home. Oh we did enjoy it. We decided to go in true 42nd Streetr style, me with my pin stripe suit. trilby & spats and Fluffy in his dark suit, 40's style shoes, black shirt and violet tie. I think a few folk thought a couple of gangsters had arrived!  Here I am having a nice glass of red wine waiting to hear "Ladies and Gentlemen, take your seats" over the loudspeaker. We would recommend this show to anyone.it is a real tonic & so glad we made it to the last night

How delighted we were to receive a telephone call from Producer/Director Bruce Burgess at lunchtime today. He is doing a 12 part sereis entitled "Great British Ghosts" and I was thrilled to be interviewed by the lovely Michaela Strachan for the documentary!  WOW! Thats a live radio appearance for MD Maurice Bolands ITalk.com, a filmed documentary for channel 5 and now this!!! Its a tv rollercoaster and we are loving it!!!    Picured here just preparing for the filming with the delightful Michaela Strachan.

Well here it is : my new hairdo! I decided that it was time for a great change and this is the shortest my hair has been since i was 15 years old! And Ive been blonde for nearly 4 years. I am so glad I made the change. I dont regret it one little bit! One small minute thing tho is that I will now have to change our profile picures!!!!!

Hello Dears! Heres my suggestion for the weekend!  Isnt there something you would like to do and keep putting it off? Have you seen a hat in a shop that you would like to buy and keep thinking about it? Or wanting to have your hair all cut off? Or thinking of telephoning or visiting someone and kept putting it off? Or thinking about cleaning the windows or mowing the lawn? Or getting rid of clothes that you know you will never wear again? OR telling someone that you Love them? It can be anything from having your legs waxed to jumping in the car and going for a spin! So My magickal words of advice for this weekend is, dont think about it any longer: Just DO IT!!!!!!! And thats my message of the day!!! Have a great weekend and whatever you do...just do it and enjoy! x x x x x x x x x x x x x

It was such a joy to meet Bill Roache. He indeed is a very spiritual man. How can you ever forget his comment when I had my photo taken with him and he said? "You are the Best offer Ive had all day!!!!!!!!!"

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Heres a view from our sitting room window that looks out across the main road. Thats my little car parked outside. Isnt it a joy to see these blossoms? They have predicted heavy rain all day today so for a bank holiday its not such fun for people so we are sending you this photo to help you to celebrate the joy of spring, its beauty with all the beautiful flowers with the knowledge that Spring definately IS here, raining or otherwise, therefore it is a time to celebrate Life with a capitol 'L' & to be so thankful that we are alive and well as to be here to enjoy this magickal and beautiful time of the year. Lets enjoy this time of Re-Birth and look upon it as a time of Re-Birth for ourselves also. Mother Nature is always at her best! Bright Blessings, Ed and Fluffy xx

Well Hello Kitties!!! Obviously regarded a Christian/ Catholic time of year, Easter comes from the words Ostara or Eostara and is actually a Pagan festival which is where the stories of our Easter eggs originate representing rebirth, re growth, new growth and new life. A Festival of the Springtime, Ostara is a wonderful and joyous time for all pagans to unite and to celebrate. Whatever you wish to believe, enjoy this most wonderful & Special of times!

Here is a special Angel for you. She stands in our Garden Room amongst the orchids. The face of the Goddess takes on many forms: Hecate, Aphrodite, Venus, Isis, Astarte....and the Mother Mary.  Whatever and whoever you believe in, take that Love that is given to you as it truly does exist. If you have had a sad day today, don't let the sun go down on sorrow, and know that the sun will shine for you the next day. Even if it is cloudy that same sun is still up there.....even if you cannot see it. So embrace this Eastertide!! Enjoy the sun, enjoy the rain....simply ENJOY and know that One God will grant unto you everything you need with a little faith and a belief that your prayers are already answered. Blessed Be xx

Due to such a wet winter this year our Temple of Isis became very damp inside to say the least, so after a very dry spell Fluffy decided that "today was the day" for laying new roof felting to keep out the wet. In another months time we shall be decorating the inside so lo and behold our spiritual Temple where everything goes on from incense blending, Full moon rituals, past life regression and tarot readings will be restored. We have some beautiful pastel gold embossed wall paper and we are going to create the most mystical and Magickal of themes so anyone who comes to see us spiritually can find peace, hope and enlightenment in a setting that we havent ever created before yet thought we already had. So we havent allowed the damp and raining in of winter to dampen our spirits....instead we have turned it into a Divine challenge. After all, walking and living a spiritual path is a test as well as a wonderful joy...............Heres Fluffy on this photo obviously not afraid by heights!!!!!