How very interesting.....A few visits ago at Jayne and Martins I saw this very handsome man in the spirit world. About 6ft 3inches tall wearing a sackcloth coloured gothic style shirt, dark trousers and long dark hair parted to the side. I acknowledged him and knew he was a Friendly Ghost who seemed to like me, A few nights later I was talking to Jayne on the telephone when suddenly she 'Felt' the presence of this same man by her and she said he heard him say "Francis............" (Francis is my first name). As she relayed this to me I felt him close to me. Then another week passed and Fluffy & I were in Cannock Library and I was looking at the Mind, Body and Spirit section. I was suddenly aware that a man was standing right next to me looking at a book he had taken from the shelf behind me so his back was turned & I couldnt see his face. IT WAS HIM!!!! The ghost! He was in physical form wearing a dark suit. He was exactly the same height & build. He then put his book down on the shelf & left. It did Spook me a little as I looked to see what the book was he had been looking at as it was called: How to paint VAMPIRES!!!!! Shortly after this 'IT' began! I began Felling His Presence, Hearing his voice from the distance, unable to make out what he was saying. Then last week I was in bed when I awoke in the night startled from my sleep and I said aloud "HE IS HERE!!!!" as I had felt someone Touch Me. It wasnt unpleasant, in fact it was rather nice as I wasnt feeling well at the time and I felt he had come along from the "OTHER SIDE" to Help & Console me. Yesterday Morning I woke up. Fluffy was getting ready to go out when I said "I am holding someones ARM!" at which point the feeling of me holding his arm (it would have been his forearm, left.  I am not threatened by any of this. I dont feel possessed or taken over by any of this. I think it is Very Nice that I have a Ghostly Admirer that is looking after me but also is very attractive. What is interesting is the fact that this Very same man has appeared physically right next to me in the LIBRARY reading a book on VAMPIRES! This book didnt alarm me either as it was full of quite wonderful Gothic paintings. I will update you to any further developments with this & would appreciate your thoughts on it. My Ghostly Admirer hasnt told me his name but for some reason I call him: Jonathon..........(You dont read many blogs like this one do you?) TBC....OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!