Here it is! Its called "Deb's Delight!" After our lovely Saturday evening being wined and dined by Debbie and Leigh, I fell in love with her dessert, a concoction of a biscuit base, brandy, Greek Yoghurt and fresh raspberries I decided to use my imagination and make my own especially as Valentines Day is looming and I do love the romantic touch.  I crumbled digestive biscuits, added brandy then Greek Yoghurt and honey. Then I added a chopped banana, added glace cherries, sprinkled chocolate on top of fresh cream and added mint leaves. Put in refrigerator for two hours and the outcome: Very tasty, very filling and Very healthy
Gareth (Library)
1/31/2012 04:54:33 am

Looks very lovely!! PS Just read about your spooky encounter in the library, VERY interesting we shall keep an eye out if we see anything spooky or if I see someone that looks like that picture that you showed us! Thanks for visiting!

1/31/2012 07:12:05 am

Hi Gareth!!! Oh I am so thrilled you found the right blog. When we got home I looked it up and found it was under "my ghostly admirer" so yes PLEASE...if you have any stories to tell we would love to publsh them on our site...perhaps take some photos in the library too?
Blessings Gareth Yours Ed x

2/1/2012 05:23:02 am

Thanks for the reply! We will certainly keep you appraised of any stories we know or hear about - or if we have any strange goings on (well, any stranger than normal - especially with us lot...) and of course we'd love to know if you have any further encounters!!

Our bosses would prob be OK with a few pictures when it's quiet as long as there's no other members of the public in them - (too many forms to fill in if there were!)

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